Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Sporadic Blogging...

Is just not cool. I apologise. 

It has been a manic few weeks. I have not had much time to think, let alone blog. I have had Legion stuff to deal with, claiming for ESA (which is an absolute bloody nightmare!), claiming for PIP (not much better!), my health hasn't been great and my old friend insomnia has decided to reappear. I'm floating around like a tit in a trance most of the time! 

I have just had one of the best weekends in a long time. I'm still paying for it with pain and exhaustion, but it was worth every minute. On Saturday, I went out to the Pub (I know right?! This is momentous!), for an evening of rocking Power Ballads. It was bloody brilliant, and I even managed a bit of zimmer bopping, in between sitting down. It was so lovely to see my friends, to dress up a bit and let my hair down. 

After a real lack of sleep, Sunday morning rolled around, bringing with it a trip to the Eurogamer Expo at Earls Court in Nodnol. It was another awesome day! I met zombies, played a bit of Batman, got a free TShirt and wristband, and I came home with a plushie Balloonicorn. Which is so awesome, I can't even think of a way to describe it! I love the fact that my mobility scooter means I can get to these sorts of things now, with a bit of forward planning. 

Yesterday was a sofa arrest and pyjama day. It was very productive too! I sorted out all of my paperwork, organised my life into a ringbinder, called DWP, prepared letters, chased up a missing Poppy Wreath... and then slumped back into brain fog. Undoubtedly though, the highlight of my Monday was Breaking Bad. 

I got to the Breaking Bad party a wee bit late, but managed to get all caught up in time to watch the Felina ep with everyone else. I had watched every ep with the Uberman, but he flew to Munich yesterday for Oktoberfest. I wasn't going to wait until Friday, and my brother's GF had caught up just in the nick of time, so we watched it together last night. We were even allowed to watch it on the big screen in the front room. I'm not going to get all into the plot - there are about eleventyeightmillion reviews online with that info - but all I can say is that the ending was perfect. I love the fact that Vince Gilligan had the ending planned, and never deviated from it, despite the phenomenal success of the series. It was spot on, perfectly complemented Walt's stories, and tied everything up beautifully. I will miss Walt/Heisenberg, Jesse and all of the characters very much. I have never been so emotionally invested into a TV series, and I don't think I have ever enjoyed one so much. It will take a big plot to fill those shoes! 

So that's the last few days in the life of this Bendy Girl. I have done so many stupid things this week that it was almost impossible to choose one, but I've gone with this:

Whilst drying my hair on Saturday, I had my hairdryer in one hand, and my brush in the other. Somehow, I managed to whack the hairdryer with my brush hand, and smack it straight into my head. It still feels a bit sore to touch! I am giggling just thinking about it.

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