Hello Everyone!
Firstly, this round up will be different in format from June's one, as my laptop Ruby was wiped to try and rid it of the nasty virus. It has been repaired (huzzah to Dr Bro and Dr Dad!), but all my old files are not yet transferred back over. Next month will be service resumed!
Secondly, this is spectacularly late. Whoops! I apologize for this, but I have been working bloody hard on my crochet project. It is onto the final stage now, hooray!
So without further ado, here is my monthly round up for July!
Read: Reviews. Many reviews. I have not really been reading books recently, probably due to my crocheting!
Watched: Breaking Bad. It took me a while to jump on the Walter White bandwagon, but I am ADDICTED. Upto series 3, yay Netflix!
Listened: I lost all my music when Ruby went down, so not much during the day, but I've been listening to Kerrang Radio when I'm in bed.
Most Used Beauty Product: Fortune Cookie Soap Whipped Creams again! Can't get enough of them.
Ate: Barbeque. Thanks to the stunning weather!
Drank: Dr Pepper. Ice cold. Mmmm... What's the worst that can happen?
Did: LOTS of crocheting.
Went: To hospitals quite a bit. More importantly, to finally see Bon Jovi, in Hyde Park. Amazing!
Favourite New Thing: My Sugar Skull earrings, from Punky Pins. A surprise present from the Uberman, who is now extremely proud of his ninja boyfriend skills!
Favourite Photo:
All but one of the blanket squares laid out ready for edging! This photo is to show me which order I need to stitch them together in :)
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