Thursday, 27 June 2013

10 Day You Challenge - 9 Loves

Today's 10 Day You post is 9 Loves. 
Love is a beautiful thing. True Story. So here are my loves!

9. Zippy from Rainbow

8. Dr Pepper... what's the worst that could happen?!

7. Blogging, especially with the LBLC. It is lovely to be a part of something so positive, and I am enjoying writing so much!

6. Antiques. I love looking at old things, imagining the stories behind them, wondering how they came to be in the place where I see them. I am hoping to be back on crutches soon so I can visit some more antique stores for a look around. They send my imagination into overdrive!

5. Music. Especially live. I truly enjoy it, it gives me a buzz and I am hoping that the petition which is going in for better disabled access to venues will mean I see more gigs again. 

4. Weymouth. My true home. I will live there, but for now, visits are good. I wish I didn't have to leave though!

3. My lovely pets. Arya, my beautiful hamster. Yoshi, my Bearded Dragon, who has one hell of an attitude. Bird... the Cockatiel. Again, full of attitude, one minute he wants to bite you, the next he snuggles your finger and sings to it... Then there are my honorary pets at the Malkin House. Belle (aka The Bellasaurus) the dog, who is lovely but barks at strange men. Very loudly. Floss the cat, who is beautiful and very much Queen Kitty now her mum and sister have gone. Thomas the Budgie, Molly and Little Man the dragons, 4 rabbits, and a fish tank. I love animals!

2. My families. I say families, as the Uberman's family have made me feel like a part of them, and it is lovely. I have two very awesome families and I love them dearly.

1. My Uberman. Almost 6 years and I couldn't imagine my life without him.

Go here to see Karen's 9 Loves! 

What are your 9 loves? Leave me a comment, or a link to your 9 Loves Blog Posts!

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